Monday, November 22, 2010

More Hats!

A Cherry On Top

I am in the process of beginning a little store called, A Cherry on Top- my litle love infant hats. These are customized, or can be, little "hospital like" caps for your precious baby. I can design them in most any way. They fit babies up to about 9 or 10 months. I also am creating a line of winter hats for toddlers and infants- these fit better on one year up to 3 yrs. Note: I receive the basic hats WHOLESALE. I am embellishing them with your choice of embroidery, ironons, buttons, etc. I am not knitting the hats YET myself:)

Please view my pictures and contact me in you are interested in placing an order. I take personal checks and cash sent to my home. Come back often and put "a cherry on top" of your little one!!